Pay Your DIY Dues

The high-level goal of this subscription launch is to directly fund the non-profit arm of Slang Church - known as Gig Church. Organizationally, Gig Church seeks to identify grassroots ways to subvert and reclaim space from the music industry in its current form, which is inherently parasitic and hopelessly entangled with capitalism and the exploitation of artists and concert-goers alike.

The subscription is called “Friendship Society,” and it provides a unique opportunity to sustainably fund a music scene that is also directly and irreversibly accountable to the community.

Supporters will receive monthly goodies - digital and physical, depending on the month - as a thank you. Other perks will be added as time goes on. We will also be 100% transparent as it relates to gross revenue and spend.

short-term goals

  • Filing for official 501(c)3 nonprofit recognition
  • Identification and funding of current DIY art community needs in the San Francisco Bay Area
  • Outreach and community building

medium-term goals

  • Identification and procurement of a venue/community space in the east San Francisco Bay Area

long-term goals

  • Scaling this community-funded music industry model and dethroning titans of the industry
  • Establishment of grants and funding opportunities nationwide